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25 years of


We have the know-how you need.

Cost re-calibration and optimization

One-day intensive training to help you understand the cost behavior and to make intelligent cost optimization.

The trainings that are the subject of this calendar will be delivered by Iuliana Andronache, Managing Partner of Smash Finance


The pandemic has created a humanitarian crisis, becoming the perfect storm of disruption in markets, operations, technologies, and regulations. The speed, duration, and impact of the crisis are nearly impossible to estimate.


Organizations should prioritize: change in demand, rapid intelligent cost re-calibration and optimization, focus on transformation, not on reactive cost-cutting.


Cost analysis and control are essential tools for planning and monitoring activities for supporting business decisions. To formulate realistic cutting cost operational plans to make available appropriate resources, understanding the cost behavior is essential. The concept is an integral part of lean thinking by eliminating wasteful activities, and at the same time, an important tool to increase profitability is another tool to be reconsidered by all companies.


An important focus is to maintain organizational resilience for business continuity, find new solutions to maintaining employee engagement and avoid individual company disruptions. 


Key benefits


  • improving the company’s financial performance

  • enhance cost awareness and its relationship with profitability 

  • describe specific cost behavior analysis 

  • deliver more useful information to decision-makers properly substantiated from an economic point of view

  • identifying and eliminating or reducing losses of any kind

  • smart re-size and optimization of costs

  • understand how to cut costs in targeted areas that create less value for the business


The learning method 


Three main steps of the learning process

  • introduction to the new concepts

  • practical exercise 

  • review of key learning points


Why should attend
  • All business professionals where personnel have budget responsibilities and are responsible for strategic analysis

  • Other professionals who would like to increase skills from having the opportunity to consider new ideas and methods






Cost classifications and cost behaviors

  • Cost  terms and classification

  • Inventory vs. period costs

  • Manufacturing vs. general administration costs

  • Variable vs. fixed costs

  • Direct vs. indirect cost

  • Controllable and uncontrollable costs

  • Relevant and irrelevant cost

  • Opportunity costs

  • The hidden cost  

  • Cost Volume Price (CVP) Analysis


Cost re-calibration and optimization tactics 


  • Deep cost and overheads analysis by type and nature

  • Assess and define the impact on your value chain

    • capturing variable cost savings.

    • delay new hires, new spending, salary raises.

    • cancel events, low priority initiatives, travel.

  • Identify key processes resources for right-sizing

    • Increase efficiency 

  • Process efficiency

  • Supplier concessions

  • Headcount reduction

  • Facility closure

  • Rightsizing Layoffs

  • Capex cuts 

  • Divestitures

  • Outsourcing

  • Resources optimization

    • The 7 Wastes of Lean

    • Tools to be used to Tackle the Seven Wastes


Maintaining organizational resilience


  • disruption tool

  • communicating the context 

  • new solutions to maintaining the employee's engagement 


Brainstorming: What is the situation in your organization? Case study illustration


Review of key learning points


Memento for Participants: From Ideas to Action what are the three ideas touched or developed during the day’s course and which you would wish to apply for you or for the company from NOW.


Question Time


The trainings are scheduled as follows:


Cost at speed by re-calibration and optimization:  dates of  2022. The online training will be divided into 4 hours per day, organized in 2-hour sessions, on the following time intervals of your choice for each day: 


  1. The first sessions : 09:00 - 11:00 and the second session: 15:00 - 17:00

  2. The first sessions : 10:00 - 12:00 and the second session: 14:00 - 16:00

  3. The first sessions : 10:00 - 12:00 and the second session: 15:00 - 17:00


Cost at speed by re-calibration and optimization: dates of 2022. The online training will be divided into 4 hours per day, organized in 2-hour sessions, on the following time intervals of your choice for each day: 


  1. The first sessions: 09:00 - 11:00 and the second session: 15:00 - 17:00

  2. The first sessions: 10:00 - 12:00 and the second session: 14:00 - 16:00

  3. The first sessions: 10:00 - 12:00 and the second session: 15:00 - 17:00

The exact  dates are to be disclosed shortly. For more information please CONTACT US.


  1. For the open trainings the investment is  the amount of 80 EUR/ participant (excluding VAT), the maximum number of participants  is 20 people.


  1. This training can also be delivered in house (customized for a group of participants in your company) and the investment will be structured as follows:


2.1 Delivery of the training " Cost at speed by re-calibration ", the investment is the amount of 1,200 EUR (excluding VAT), the maximum number of participants is 20 people.


2.2 An additional optional investment in amount of 300 EUR (excluding VAT) for the preparation of training materials based on the financial statements model and the figures provided by the company.


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